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Hekili Outrigger

Paddle with us


As your technique develops, you may wish to progress to paddling at our NQ Zone Regattas. The schedule of races and host club is decided by NQ Zone committee with input from clubs. The AOCRA events page lists local, national and international events.

At Hekili, club coaches put teams together in advance of the regatta. If you would like to compete at a regatta communicate with coaches to confirm capabilities. Hekili is one of the largest clubs so coaches apply the following criteria when choosing teams:

  • Team goal
  • Attendance at training
  • Paddler capability (performance, fitness level, experience and injury issues)
  • Team dynamics

If you wish to compete in a  NQ Zone Grand Prix Regatta every effort will be made for you to participate. Some races require a more stringent selection criteria. These include longer distance races, mixed club events, changeover races, National and International events.


If you are a member of another Australian or overseas outrigger club and are on holiday in Cairns, come and join us for a paddle. We have club paddles you can use, so come along and meet new friends and tell us about your paddling experiences.

Club Equipment and Courtesy

Hekili are fortunate to have communal gear and craft available for the use of club members. The following courtesies are expected of all club members:

  • All equipment is to be treated carefully and with respect
  • Equipment will be put back in the condition (or better) than when you used. If items have been in salt water, please rinse and drain
  • Any loss or damage is to be reported to the Club Captain, a Club Coach or the President.
  • Club canoes may be used for individual sessions so long as this usage does not interfere with designated club training sessions. When using the small craft record this on Team App.
  • All small craft are to be washed down and ama emptied of water
  • Individuals must comply with requirements in the Hekili Risk Management Policy

How to Paddle

This sport has evolved over thousands of years from being the principle mode of transport used by the indigenous population throughout the Pacific, to an active sport building fitness, strength and endurance. Some of the terminologies and traditions used in the sport today stem from this ancient past and reflect the strong spiritual connections between certain cultures and the sea.

Hekili has researched a few web sites and has put together a Paddling and Technique Guide which briefly outlines traditions, terminology, different parts of the canoe, the role of each paddler and information on stroke technique. If you are new to paddling and want to see what we are all excited about, then have a read. Also have a look at the below web sites for information about outrigging and technique.

Stroke phases as demonstrated at a paddling clinic hosted by Johnny Puakea and Danny Ching

Part 1 – Putting blade in water http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ne1PFWSey3w

Part 2 – Pull and exit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3p7C5vAhFM

Part 3 – Rotation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muMz1DfU3iM

Part 4 – Breaking your arms http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byKfA_sQjK4&feature=em-share_video_user

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Hekili Outriggers

Hekili Outriggers