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Hekili Outrigger


Our FREE beginner sessions with accredited coaches take place at 8.00am every Sunday on the beach east of the Yorkeys Knob boat ramp – Buckleys Beach, Buckley Street Yorkeys Knob.  So come on – give it a go!   The worst that can happen is you will get wet and have a lot of fun!

If you’re looking for a new challenge, join us for an epic adventure and find out what it’s like to push yourself to places you’d never imagined possible.

Just ask these new paddlers who completed their first marathon event, Mini G, from Yorkeys Knob to Ellis Beach. Mini G Adventure. 

First things first
For your protection, before you paddle you are required by the Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association (AOCRA) to complete an indemnity and release form. This entitles you to six free sessions which enables you to see if you are interested in continuing with the sport. 

The AOCRA Indemnity & Release Form can be filled in online HERE

Alternatively, please see the Beginners Admin Person or a Club Coach at the beginning of your first paddling session to complete the indemnity form.  Club Sessions Beginners, Juniors and Novices 8-9:30am.


What to bring: Clothes that can get wet – if it is stinger season then lycra leggings or stockings should be worn (boardies over the top if you want), towel, cap, water, sun screen. The club will provide PFD, canoes and paddles (until you purchase your own).

Paddling Etiquette: We do not swear or make inappropriate comments in the canoe, where possible we store the canoe with the bow pointing towards the water or out to sea, we do not step over the canoe or paddles while they are out of the water, we always enter and exit the canoe from the left side – the ama side, the canoe is the most important member of the crew and is treated accordingly.

After six paddling sessions, you are asked to become a member by completing the registration form and medical declaration form online (instructions below). This will cover public liability insurance and at this time you will have to pay AOCRA fees ($70 Senior, $45 Junior) and the relevant club fees. Please see a committee member if you have any questions.

Before joining, please read our Hekili Welcome Booklet July 2022 versionCode of Conduct  & Risk Management Policy.

Club Membership
Membership fees assist the Club in paying for expenses such as equipment, maintenance, insurance, affiliation and administrative fees. The membership fee aligns with the 12 months of your AOCRA membership. New Hekili Club membership includes a Welcome Pack, with a sunsafe race shirt and cap.

Additionally, our storage facility is provided by Yorkeys Knob Boating Club (YKBC) for which the club pays rental of $5,400 per financial year. As part of the rental agreement you will be entitled to be a YKBC Social member, at the boat club you get 10% off restaurant food, 15% off bar costs. Go into reception and tell them that you are a member of Hekili to get your YKBC Social Membership Card.

Membership fees are:
Seniors New – $350 Club Membership + AOCRA fees $70 (includes Welcome pack with a sunsafe race shirt and cap)

Seniors Returning – $300 Club Membership + AOCRA fees $70

Juniors –  Free Club Membership + AOCRA fees $45 

Additional Uniforms, regatta fees, canoe towing and your own paddle are in addition to this fee.

Preferred payment method is direct deposit. Deposit the required amount directly into the Hekili account, entering your surname as a reference, then email a copy of the deposit confirmation to hekili.treasurer@outlook.com, making it Attention: Club Treasurer, Fee Payment.

The account details are:

Bendigo Bank
Hekili Outrigger Canoe Club
BSB: 633-000
Account No: 164728925

AOCRA Joining and Renewal Instructions:

New Members

1. Go to www.aocra.com.au
2. Click on member sign in/ join as a new member
3. Click on apply to be a new member
4. Fill out the form and press proceed
5. Please note you will need a credit card to pay the fees
6. You will receive an email confirming your Member ID and Password. Please keep a note of this as you will need these details to renew your membership in following years.

Renew membership

1. Go to www.aocra.com.au
2. Click on member sign in/ join as a new member
3. Enter your Member ID, if you do not know this please ask a committee member
4. Enter your password, if you do not know this press forgotten password and it will be sent to your email address
5. Press Login and follow the prompts.
6. Please note you will need a credit card to pay these fees

Website © 2025 - Rusty Mango Design
Hekili Outriggers

Hekili Outriggers